Saturday, April 7, 2012

Jack's 1st Birthday Party

Jack Jack had an AWESOOOOOOME 1st birthday!!!!

 Auntie Misty made all kinds of goodies for the party. She made chocolate dipped oreos, muno pretzels, cookie bouquets, cupcakes, Jack's DJ Lance Cake, and his adorable banner!! We BBQ'd hot dogs, potato salad, chips, dip, Brobee veggie tray, and a fruit tray with a yummy cheesecake dip! 

 I made Mike & I gabba shirts with felt and glue. He was Muno and I was plex, Clara & Jacks' I bought at the Americana Brand Mall. 
 As guests began to arrive that's when my husband decides to trim the bougainvillea, in his typical fashion.   
 Misty scored a heck of a deal on Spottedfox for a bounce house for $30 months ago! Clara of course was terrified of it and would NOT bounce. 
 My nephew Aedan played in the crazycoupe most the time. 
 We had quite a few guests come. Mike's dad came from Vegas and my Aunt Judy and cousin Cassell also came from Nevada as well. 

 Uncle Eric was harassed for months to dress up as DJ Lance Rock for Jack's birthday. He had the costume from a couple of years ago, so he reluctantly agreed! He was such a trooper but the kids were so excited about it and I think most the adults enjoyed it more haha! 
 Jack was much more interested in watching Uncle Eric who was dressed up so funny rather than eating his cake. He was starting to get fussy. I thought for sure he would tear the cake up but he was forced by Aunt Cole to stick his hands in it. 

 Kissy boy Aedan giving birthday boy some love! 

 These pictures are just hilarious!!! 

 I LOVE the picture above of Clara hugging grandma GG. 

 So after most the guests had left, my family was sitting around just relaxing and my mom had told my brothers that adults weren't allowed in the bounce house. However I was told by the owner that up to 4 adults are allowed to bounce. As soon and I said that, they all took off running to get in and they went crazy!!! Mitchell did a back flip. Bobby mooned me as I was trying to take a picture so inappropriate!! 
 As I was on the ramp trying to take a picture of them, they bounced me off and I literally flew off it and fell onto the grass! 
And in true fashion I sported the free hat that came with Extreme Bouncers. It said on the voucher to tip generously when they pick up the bouncer and considering it was Easter the next day I did. When I hand the man the money he looked at me like I was crazy and asked what it was for. What the heck? I could have saved myself $20! 

The party turned out great. The weather was beautiful!! Jack had a great time, I think Clara had more fun than he did! I was so surprised when my friends Melissa & Sarem showed up who haven't seen in over 3 years. I could have cried!! I can't thank all of our great friends that we have enough and I love watching our children grow up. It's going to get better and better through the years!! And I could NOT have done it without my BFF Misty who did more prepping for the party than I did!! She's the best Auntie!!! 


Misty0126 said...

LMAOOOOOOO that was a great blog. I think that picture is my new favorite, It is better than the Costco pic. Wow we took a lot of photos that day.

Blake and Alisa said...

looks like he had one great first birthday party! i love the cake. you have the best bff ever. she spoils you. but i love the yo gabba stuff, and all the pictures. i can't believe this last year has gone by that fast. i might have a stroke when Gracie turns one!