Monday, February 20, 2012

10 Months, Over Due Update!!

February 20, 2012
10 Months Old
Well my amazing little man, you are now 10 months old! You have 3 teeth (two bottom came in on Christmas Eve) and then your top "snaggle" tooth came in not that long ago.  You have 3 more on top poking through.

*You've had an ear infection for about 2 months now, we took you to see a specialist at the House Ear Clinic in L.A. Basically fluid can stay in your ear for up to 3 months after you've had infection so we have to follow up with them after you see Dr. Pardo and there is still fluid.

*At your 9 month check up you weighed 20lbs 3oz (40th%) & were 30 inches tall (90th%), head was 17 3/4 inches (49th%).  She predicts you will be a tall man. I have no doubts. Even your hands seem massive to me.

*You are sitting up and rolling EVERYWHERE. You also army crawl pretty good, but won't use your legs yet. You are trying, bc you want more than anything to be on the go!

*You eat so good! You LOVE to eat and you eat like a champ. So far the only thing that truly makes you gag to the point you puke is peas. You HATE them. Right now we've got you down to about 3 to 4 bottles a day. Breakfast: yogurt & some cherrios on your tray, Lunch: 2 vegetables mixed with rice cereal, Dinner: 2 fruits. You recently started blowing raspberries as I'm feeding you, which really messes up my glasses. But dang is it adorable.

*You LOVE LOVE bath time. You splash harder than any baby I've seen bathe. You literally soaked me the other night.

*You love when daddy gets home, you guys have your "guy" time. You like to just sit in his arms and chill with him.

*You light up when you see Grandma. You get so excited and start kicking your legs. And if she leaves the room you cry!!

* You adore your sister. You guys play together and laugh so hard. She's really the only person that can make you laugh your hardest. But you also kinda fight with each other. If she tells you no, you get really mad and scream and tense up all over. It's stinking cute!

*You are only waking up about once at night but it's almost 6am when you wake up. I make you a bottle and  you pass back out till about 9am.

*You are obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba, just like sister was! If you are fussy and I turn it on, you stop crying immediately. You get transfixed by it.

*You are starting to dance a little bit. When you are sitting up you wiggle up and down and shake your head.

*You are also trying to clap a little bit. You are getting the hang of it.

*You have the most awesome hair. It grows straight down the middle like a mohawk but it's too long so it falls over. It's quite a trendy look these days. I see a lot of men cutting their hair like this.

*More than anything, I just LOVE you so much. You are the light in my life. You & Clara make me happier than anybody in this world. There is something so special about you that cannot be explained. I can't wait to see the man that you are destined to become. Big things are going to happen for you!

 Love your crazy hair in this picture!!
 You actually let me hold you to sleep. 

 Eating eggs for the first time. 
*Your favorite toy right now is the stacking boxes that Aunt Sharon got you for Christmas.

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