Saturday, April 6, 2013

Jackson James 2 Year Update

Jackson had his 2 year check up and weighed 28lbs (50th%), and was 37.5in (>97th%). He was off the chart in height. He's going through a stage where he is scared of everyone and everything. He's afraid of entering buildings he's not familiar with. He's very leery going new places, and gets anxiety. He cries and screams and clings onto me or daddy for comfort. He's having a hard time adjusting to the baby and is still not a fan of his. I try very hard to give him special attention. He's at the age that it's time to start potty training. I put him on the big toilet and he screamed the most fear streaking scream I've ever heard and was terrified. He was trembling for the longest time. The doctor said because of all the new changes that I should wait to potty train him and slowly introduce him to it. She suggested getting a small potty and putting it in a room away from the bathroom and just have him practice sitting on it with his clothes on. Just to get him used to the idea. 

 He was reaching up towards the tv trying to reach it, while watching Rise of the Guardians. 
 Every morning he comes running in my room and trying to get on top of my bed and says "Up". 

 He LOVES to play outside!!!! 

 His favorite food is french fries. He won't finish the rest of his food until  he has eaten all his fries, if we are eating out. 
 Forcing him to lay next to his brother, and then he screamed at him when his arm grazed him. 
 Wearing a tupperware bowl for a hat. 
 Fresh out of the bath. I always cradle him like a baby in his towel and he begs me to sing him the "Choo Choo" song She'll be Coming Around the Mountain. 

 Wanted so bad to take sister's Minnie purse to go bye bye and Daddy told him no, lol. 
 Eating "Fish"

 He is the biggest Daddy's boy hands down. He wants his dad more than anyone else when he's upset or tired. LOVES his daddy. 
 Wearing cousin Jimi's Volcom hats. I rarely let them touch his stuff bc I want to keep it in perfect condition. 

 Eating his peanut butter sandwich with his napkin wrapped around, it's so adorable. 
 sitting on the potty in the dining room, lol. practice, practice!! 

 He's into EVERYTHING!! I had to actually put on some safety locks bc he won't stay out of cabinets. Never had to really child proof with Clara. 
 He loves to hang out at Grandma's house and play in the playroom. 
 Loves to wear the "hearts" apron and help mommy. 
 Also obsessed with the "mermaid" dress, and plays outside in it hehe. 
 He loves to play with cousin Aedan. 
He also likes to wear other people's shoes. He will walk around in them and then scream when he gets stuck wearing them. 

*He knows almost all his shapes
*Recognizes most letters in the alphabet in random order
*can count almost to 10
*can recognized his numbers
*repeats everything we say
*Fav words: schwing (swing), shoes, mmmm bye bye, daddy, mommy, mamas (grandma), Papa, wipes, fries, nulk (milk), nigh nigh, nap, meemo (Nemo), Oobi, Gabba, baby, cars, trucks, outside, eat, nummies, cookie, splash splash, no (shakes head), brush, sirstee (thirsty), 
*Points to body parts and names them
*Heard him say Clara while we were at the beach for the first time, and now he says her name all the time. 
*Eats one thing at a time on his plate. 
*will poop and tell you
*LOVES: outside, itsy bitsy spider, to dance, chocolate milk, izzy & throwing the ball for her & playing in her crate, brushing his teeth, & Barbies. 
*Fav movies: Finding Nemo, Brave, Hotel Transylvania, & Toy Story
*His Molars are still coming through and could take 6 months according to the dr, his hands are in his mouth constantly. 
*wants to be held when he's eating or being fed. Gets mad if we make him sit to eat. 
*has me take the clothes off and on the barbies so he can name all her body parts. 
*has giant man hands
*will only wear socks if his shoes are on. 
*makes the cutest serious face when he's concentrating on something. 
*He runs with his arms behind him and leans forward to run. And half the time he is looking the other way and slams into things lol. 
*Clara and him are best friends. Whenever Clara stays the night with grandma & Papa he is bored and misses her so much. 

He has been such a joy. He's definitely hit the terrible two's but I truly feel he will be my best behaved teenager hahaha. He's the sweetest boy ever. He kisses me to death and loves his snuggles. He has me wrapped around his finger and I love him more than words can express. 

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