Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hudson's 2 Month Update

Hudson weighed 11.6lbs (97th% off the chart), and height 22.75in (95th%). The nurse actually re-weighed him bc he had gained 3.5lbs in one month and she didn't think that was accurate, but he's just a fatty fat fat. 

*had his first smile at Daddy, but the first smile I witnessed was at Aunt Misty. He's smiled at Grandma, Clara, Grandma GG, and at me once. 
*Wears 0-3 months clothing
*merging into size 2 diapers
*sleeps from midnight to 6:30am! 
*very calm, and sleeps A LOT!!!
*sleeps swaddled on your back of course
*LOVES the pacifier
*had your first bout of constipation bc I drastically changed my diet for the better and it was hard on you. You had to have a glycerin suppository, and prune juice. 
*furrows your eyebrows just like daddy
*big beautiful brown eyes for sure
*spits up the most of all my babies
*nurses on command which is constantly.  

Grandma GG 
 At his 2 month check up
 Love those rolly thighs. 
 Cutest Cookie Monster Ever. 

 Wearing overalls

 Love how he looks when he sleeps, so sweet. 
 Daddy came home from work, ate and showered and then passed out holding his baby boy. 

 He loves being held in the Sleepy Wrap. But I can't do it too long bc I dont' have good balance and I'm afraid I'm going to fall holding him lol. 

 Seriously with his adorable sleeping, it's the cutest ever. 
 Fresh out of the bath

 Realized after that I spelled Polly, like Polly wants a cracker, oh well lol. 
 That sweet smile, he's stingy with his smiles. 

 LOVES his sister, he smiles at her the most. 
 He looks a lot like my baby picture but a lot like Mike. 

 Cutest picture of him sleeping to date! 

 tiny dimple
 Smiling at dad!

 Love his chins
 Love when he nurses he holds onto my shirt. aweeee!
 He has cleavage

Sweetest face ever!!! 
He's going to be killer good looking like his brother! He's my sweetest, easiest baby yet! Love him so much!

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