Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Jackson's 12 Month Update

Jackson's hit a few big mile stones this month. He said his first word, which is a hilarious story. When I change him I always say "Wee Wee" and make him laugh. Well I was changing him and he said "Wee Wee". I wasn't sure if he was actually saying it or if he was just making noises. But he reached for it and kept saying it over and over. I then realized besides "dada", his first official word is "Wee Wee". Really??? How great of a story is that when he's a grown man. He's already obsessed with it, lol! 

He also received another tooth. He got his 4th bottom tooth on the left side. So now he had a total of 8 teeth. I think his molars are coming soon. 

He is now a full on crawler. He was just army crawling for so long and now he is on all fours and going everywhere. He is so busy and into everything. We never had to put locks on any of our cabinets with Clara but he's is a whole other story. The locks are going on this weekend. 

He is officially weaned from bottles. Dr. Pardo said between 12 to 15 months no more bottles. I thought it would be a lot harder than it was bc he loves his bottles. But since he's still very much so a pacifier baby he did fine weaning from the bottle. He can drink from a straw really well and will use any sippy. However weaning him from the pacifier is going to suck. I'm not sure when we will be doing that, I'm in no hurry lol. 

He walks along all the furniture and can stand himself up and sit himself down. He's tried to take a few steps but falls face first. Now that he can move fast crawling I don't think he's as interested in walking. 

He eats EVERYTHING!! He's a little piggy. He eats twice as much as Clara. His favorite foods are yogurt, bananas, english muffins, cream of wheat, eggs, beans, rice, pasta, chicken and sandwiches. He also still eats one jar of stage 3 veggies a day just to make sure he's getting his veggies and it fills him up right before bed. 

He's not the greatest sleeper. But he's not the worst either. He's in bed by 9:30pm and wakes up usually once bc he moves around so much and gets cold, and then he's up about 8:30am. He takes a really long nap during the day for about 3 hours. 

He loves to play with his sister, and they make each other laugh so much. It's quite adorable. He still loves Yo Gabba Gabba, and also Mickey Mouse Club. He loves music and shakes his head when he dances, and bounces up and down, and claps a lot. He claps when he's excited or when he hears music. 

 He loves to swing!
 He also loves to splash, he literally soaks the bathroom floor and me when bathing. 

1 comment:

Blake and Alisa said...

gal...we have cute kids in our family