Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Pregnancy with Hudson

I found a new blog that I adore I stole this idea from her. She updated her blog frequently on her pregnancy, and I'm going to sum up the entire 9 months in one post! 

This was the baby in August 2012. Just a tiny tadpole. 

These were taken at almost 15 weeks. 
*I threw up almost everyday until 8 months pregnant while brushing my teeth. I would wait until the afternoon sometimes to brush in hopes that I wouldn't puke. *I got a really bad kidney infection and had to have iv therapy for 3 days bc it could cause preterm labor. Never had that happen before. *And I had to take iron with this pregnancy and never had to before. *His original due date was March 18th, then March 8th and now it's March 5th. 
5 months
Total Weight Gain: starting weight was ridiculous at 233lbs, and I'm now 257lbs. I gained 6lbs at my visit last week, and this week I lost a pound. I hope to God I'm topped out on what I've gained. I weighed 268 when I had Clara & 263 with Jack. 

Maternity Clothes: I had to start fresh with brand new clothes bc I had given all of mine away. I have one pair of jeans, 2 pairs of black leggings, 1 pair of yoga pants, 1 black & 1 white long sleeve shirt, 2 tunics, and one black tshirt. And then a friend of mine gave me about 4 shirts to wear around the house, which have been great. I also had 2 other pairs of jeans but out grew those and passed them on to a friend of mine who's expecting twins. 

Best Moment This Week: getting the news that we will be having our boy Hudson next week. I wasn't dilated but the front was open (whatever that means) so he said I will most likely be dilated when he checks me next week and he will schedule the c-section then. 

Cravings: In the beginning I craved lime salt packets really bad. Which is terrible bc of all the sodium. Eric would bring them over to me on the weekends from the liquor store by his house haha! I have to have Carnation Instant Breakfast daily. I craved pickles, specifically dill gherkins until I got deathly sick one night from indigestion and couldn't breath bc it burned so bad. I was eating 15 little cuties at a time during the month of December.  I also craved See's Candy, McDonalds cheeseburgers, burrito supremes, fried burritos, starbucks peppermint mochas, and blueberry muffins. Currently I'm on a cereal kick. 

22 week Anatomical Ultrasound. All was perfect!! 

Gender: We found out in November that we are having a BOY!!! We were overjoyed with this news bc we wanted Jack to have a baby brother desperately. It will be so much easier for him to share a room then for Clara to be 4 having to share a room with a baby. So it was very exciting news for us. Although I have had 3 dreams that he has came out a SHE! lol! I would cry for days bc "she" would be nameless. We haven't a clue on a girl name. We had Scarlett picked out before we knew the gender and now I'm over that name. 

6 months

6.5 months
Last Ultrasound in December when they moved his due date up to March 5th. 
34 weeks
35 weeks
How is Mommy?: Miserable! I knew being the weight I am and getting pregnant again was a big no no. And I'm feeling it for sure. I have really bad SI joint pain for months now, and I'm pretty sure my round ligaments holding my uterus are about to rip, lol. Lately I have been getting Braxton Hicks a lot to the point that I begin to think I need to go to the hospital and then they just randomly stop. And the pressure from his head and my surgery are no bueno. However, I am so very grateful that I have been able to carry all 3 of my babies to full term and so far since the first trimester we have had zero problems. He's healthy and getting fatter the minute. So I really can't complain. But my poor husband is probably just as miserable as me bc I'm really mean to him, hahaha. I can't help it and I try not to be but it takes over me, like I'm possessed I swear. He's been beyond patient with me and taken great care of the kids and I.  He will be so happy to have his normal mean wife back, and be rid of his pregnant mean wife, lol. 
37 weeks
What I'm Looking Forward to: Of course holding my bundle of joy!!! I can't wait to see his little face, and kiss him all over. He's my last baby and I will try to absorb as much of him as I possibly can. I didn't get a lot of video of Clara and Jack in the first few days, but I'm adamant that we video him constantly haha. The newborn phase is over in a blink of an eye, they seem to change rapidly within hours. I don't want to forget it, EVER! I'm an emotional wreck this time around bc I know we are done and there comes a weird sadness with that, that I didn't expect. Financially and for health reasons 3 children is our max. And we weren't even sure we wanted 3 bc we felt 2 children was plentiful. Hudson is a wonderful, amazing, surprise bonus! Our lives are about to change in the most amazing way. 

What Hudson is up to: He is now considered "full term," even though my due date is three weeks away. If I go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if I'm planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, my practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)
He weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if his hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

Next post will be all about his birthday! 

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