Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

 This was the first year I took Clara & Jack trick or treating! She's been watching different shows about Halloween and getting super excited about it. Michael of course had to work, so my mom and I took the kids to Misty's and we trick or treated on Misty's cul-de-sac. Misty took Jack and I took Clara and it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. 

I usually make their costumes but this year Clara was throwing a fit about being "Daddy's Work" for Halloween. I can't make an UPS uniform so I just ordered it online. I really wanted her to be Dorothy and I was going to make Jack a scarecrow but it just didn't happen. I thought about making Jack a package but there was no way he was going to wear a cardboard box haha! So he was an ADORABLE Superman! 

Grandma Terry came over before we took off to Misty's. She helped me get the kids ready and we took them outside and got some cute pictures. Jack loves the kids show Oobi, and there is a superhero episode that he loves. And Oobi wears a cape and says "Shoop Save Day" so Jack kept saying "shoop" and putting his arm in the air. It was really cute. 

 We went by Eric's work at GNC real quick to say hi. He gave the kids some rubber snakes that they kept chewing on. It was so cute bc as soon as Jack seen Eric, he took off running towards him. 
 Aunt Fishy loaded up their buckets full of candy. 

 My handsome little Clark Kent. 

 My mini Michael! She's so cute in her costume!

 This picture cracked me up. She was getting sleepy before we left and was laying back playing with her belly button. 


Even brother was getting into the knocking action. He tried to hug everyone that gave him candy. Misty had to restrain him from the strangers lol.  

 Flying Superman!!

 Then we headed out to my friend Chrissy's house. Her husband and her go ALL out for Halloween. He made special electronic programmed singing skeletons and pumpkins. It was so incredible but it scared Clara half to death. She kept telling me the rest of the night "Mommy I don't wike Cwissy's house". haha! 

 We stopped by to see Jack and Sharon at the stables before we headed out. 

 The first house we knocked on, Clara rang her doorbell about 5 times and I had to explain to her that you only ring it once. Turns out her doorbell wasn't working anyway lol! 

We got home around 9 bc we went to eat at Chili's after we finished trick or treating. The kids and I were exhausted after and we went straight to bed when we got home, after a good teeth brushing of course. It was  really fun and there were some really cute little kids dressed up. One little boy was dressed as a dinosaur roared at Clara and scared the crap out of her. It was pretty funny. There was only one group of rowdy teenagers that came running through, that practically ran over the little kids. I was super irritated. I guess it's a mama bear thing bc I wanted to hurt those stupid teens. And of course as I was turning the street into the neighborhood, I saw two older kids dressed as KKK clan members. I was stunned, and I apparently stopped the car to stare. I was horrified, but it is Oildale, so I'm not completely shocked. I think every year is just going to get more and more fun as time goes on! Clara was really into this year and was so sweet! She would stare at every piece of candy after they put it in her bucket. It was hysterical! Now I get to reap the benefits of all the yummy candy haha!! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I am never wearing that shirt again. I need some butter to go with those rolls. :-) It was super fun, Can't wait until next year with 3 ahhhhhhh.