Sunday, October 23, 2011

Murray Family Farms Pumpkin Patch

We went to Murray Family Farms to the pumpkin patch this year. They have a bunch of activities on one side of the farm but Clara's not quite old enough to thoroughly enjoy it, so we just paid for the petting zoo and played in the corn. My mom, Misty, Bobby & Jenny with with us.

Clara's outfit is from grandma Terry's work. They have gift shop that has the cutest outfits in there, so when she told me about it, I had to get it.  
 Clara wore the same hat her very first trip to the pumpkin patch. Jack is so easy going.

 Aunt Misty with baby Jack Jack, it's a tradition.
 Grandma & Clara
 Uncle Bobby & Aunt Jenny
 Misty and I standing in the corn. I can't believe Misty jumped in there, she has such issues with her feet getting dirty. Clara didn't want anything to do with it, but I grabbed her and forced her in.
 Jack Jack loved it and kept picking up the corn in his hands.
Jack petting a goat. He loves animals.
They all wanted to be petted, the one goat kept rubbing her face against Misty's purse. It was so funny.

Grandma, Misty and Jack, Mike forced Clara behind the goat haha.
Auntie getting her love from Jack.

Next year when Clara is older, we will do the maze, and the giant bouncy pillow, and the ant farm.

1 comment:

Blake and Alisa said...

i love it and miss them sooo much. wish i could hug both of them. looks like u had a blast. i think clara and her feet issues are funny. and whats up with my brother and the creepy stache? halloween party thing?