Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving 2012 was a whirlwind of a day. We spent the first half of Thanksgiving at Misty & Eric's house. Mike and Misty threw down some delicious food. Mike made his famous stuffing (which I refuse to eat bc of the turkey wings) and carrots, and I made a salad. Misty made everything else which was a TON of stuff. I personally dislike Thanksgiving food, but when I walked in and saw that Misty had made cheesy potatoes I did a happy dance! Guests at the fabulous lunch was Misty's Aunt Vivian, Eric's mom Kim, our friends Kara & Matt and their adorable kiddos. It was perfect bc Clara and Cat play so well together and just have a ball. 

We tortured daddy with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!!! He LOVES parades, LOL....yeah right! 

I'm officially 25 weeks pregnant (6 months)  and look about 9 months.

He's just too cute for words. 

Clara & Catherine at the "kids" table. 
Matt literally stood and ate his food while holding cutie pie Zach! 

My delicious plate of food, notice no taters, no gravy, no stuffing, no turkey lol! But Misty made this "pink stuff" as Eric calls it and it was bomb!!!
Tickle party with Papa!!!

Later that evening we gathered up enough energy to head to my parents after our food coma. I'm super bummed I didn't get more pictures. We ate some more once we got there of course. My mom had a TON of desserts but I was about to explode. Our usual family was there along with my Aunt LouAnn and Uncle Kurt and my Aunt Devi and her new boyfriend Phillip. The kids always have a blast playing together, and it was kinda nice bc they played a majority of the night in the playroom. Aedan and Clara have a ball. Clara's of course the little bossy one. It reminds me of Bud and I when we were little. 

Later that evening Aunt Crissy gave Clara and Aedan a bath. Poor Crissy wasn't feeling good especially preggos with twins. I can't imagine how exhausting that would be. Carrying one is exhausting enough!
My grandma has been making the kids Yo Gabba Gabba beannies. They LOVE them. We leave them at my mom's that way they can wear them up there when they visit. Some how Nicole gets the BEST pictures with my kids! I don't know how she bribes them. 
Auntie Cole and her Boo
He tilts his head and says cheese anytime we bust out a camera. I love my little Ham! 

And of course I LOVE the surprise photos I always get from Cole in my phone. Kitty says MEOW!!!

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